the inner circle (1912 film) artinya
- inner: bagian dalam; yg lebih dalam; tersembunyi;
- circle: bulatan; melingkar; lingkaran; balkon; kelompok;
- a cry for help (1912 film): a cry for help (film 1912); a cry for help (filem 1921)
- blind love (1912 film): blind love (filem 1912); blind love (film 1912)
- for the cause of the south (1912 film): for the cause of the south (film 1912)
- friends (1912 film): friends (film 1912); friends (filem 1912)
- my hero (1912 film): my hero (film 1912); my hero (filem 1912)
- richard iii (1912 film): richard iii (film 1912)
- the eternal mother (1912 film): the eternal mother (filem 1912); the eternal mother (film 1912)
- the gardener (1912 film): tr?dg?rdsm?staren
- the informer (1912 film): the informer (filem 1912); the informer (film 1912)
- the lesser evil (1912 film): the lesser evil (filem 1912); the lesser evil (film 1912)
- the punishment (1912 film): the punishment (film 1912); the punishment (filem)
- the sunbeam (1912 film): the sunbeam (filem 1912); the sunbeam (film 1912)
- just like a woman (1912 film): just like a woman (film 1912)